Ni Gusti Ketut Juliani Previous item Pak Nengah Next item Kadek Nya Suandewi

Ni Gusti Ketut Juliani

Ketut Juliani  is 12 years old, and lives with her Mother & Father in Banjarasem, a small Village West of Lovina. She was born as a healthy normal baby. At just a few months old she contracted what is known locally as Pig Virus (Swine flu, related to the Bird Flu virus H1N1) causing Brain damage.  As a result she cannot talk, and has never walked, though she can hear and understand. She is very much aware of what is happening around her. She can still move her legs but only in a totally uncoordinated way. Because of poverty she has never received any medical care at all until now for her condition.

Global Village Foundation have been assisting Juliani and her family since November 2015. Global Village Foundation is currently working with a local Physiotherapist who believes Juliani can be taught to coordinate her leg movements, and may one day be able to walk. Global Village Foundation is paying for the twice weekly Physiotherapy treatment, and for natural Food supplements required to boost muscle growth. Also GVF in partnership with Wheelchairs for Kids (Australia) have provided young Juliani with a new wheelchair to accommodate her immediate needs. This will enable Juliani’s Mother to take Juliani to the beach which is just a short walk away for swimming therapy. In the 12 years of her young life she has never before been away from her house to go to the beach, or anywhere else.

The photos are of young Juliani being fitted with her new wheelchair by Putu & Kadek of the Global Village Foundation Bali.



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