Fifty New Wheel Chairs distributed to Disabled people in North Bali Previous item Pak Nengah Next item A walking frame for a Holyman

Fifty New Wheel Chairs distributed to Disabled people in North Bali

Between Jan & May 2018 Global Village Foundation distributed fifty new Wheelchairs to some of the many poor disabled people in desperate need throughout the Villages of North Bali. We also took delivery in April 2018 of a further 50 new wheelchairs that we will distribute over the next 2-3 months. We could not have done this without the support of many very kind & generous supporters.

We see the smiles, and often the tears of joy when we deliver the wheelchairs, sometimes into quite remote areas of Bali, to desperate people who have, in some cases, waited many years to be ‘found’ and gifted a wheechair. It can be a very emotional experience, and we are grateful, because we know we are just the final link is what is often a long chain of very kind and caring people that got that wheelchair to it’s final destination. Thank you so very much to everyone involved.

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